

Every list node utxo:

  • has a unique key (unless it’s the root node)
  • has a unique link to another node’s key (unless it’s the last node of the list)
  • holds some app-specific data


  • NodeDatum { key: NodeKey, link: NodeKey, data: Data }

Same as Option, but with more informative constructor names.


  • Key { key: ByteArray }
  • Empty


node_prefix: ByteArray = "Node"

Every list node’s token name starts with this prefix.


Data types, constants, and accessors

get_key(raw_key_and_link: (Data, Data)) -> NodeKey

serialize_key(key: NodeKey) -> ByteArray

get_node_outputs(outputs: List<Output>, policy_id: PolicyId) -> List<Output>

get_node_inputs(inputs: List<Input>, policy_id: PolicyId) -> List<Output>

Predicates (used outside of list validators)

prove_is_root_node(policy_id: PolicyId, node: Output) -> Bool

Prove that a node belongs to the given list and is its root.

prove_is_last_node(policy_id: PolicyId, node: Output) -> Bool

Prove that a node belongs to the given list and is its last node.

prove_is_empty_list(policy_id: PolicyId, node: Output) -> Bool

Prove that the given list is empty, as witnessed by a node that is both the root and last node of the list.

prove_is_member(policy_id: PolicyId, key: NodeKey, node: Output) -> Bool

Prove that a key is a member of the given list, as witnessed by a node that satisfies the membership predicate with the key.

prove_is_not_member(policy_id: PolicyId, key: NodeKey, node: Output) -> Bool

Prove that a key is a member of the given list, as witnessed by a node that satisfies the non-membership predicate with the key.

State integrity handlers (used in list spending validator)

list_state_transition(node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>) -> Bool

Detect whether the list’s minting policy is invoked in the transaction, so that the spending validator can forward to it.

  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
  own_input: Output,
  own_output: Output,
  node_nft_policy_id: ByteArray,
  node_nft_asset_name: ByteArray,
) -> Bool

Modify the data field of a list node without changing the key and link fields.

State transition handlers (used in list minting policy)

  node_outputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
  node_cs: ByteArray,
) -> Bool

Initialize an empty unordered list.

Application code must ensure that this action can happen only once.

  node_inputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
  node_cs: ByteArray,
) -> Bool

Deinitialize an empty unordered list.

  key_to_prepend: NodeKey,
  prepended_node_index: Int,
  anchor_node_output_index: Int,
  node_inputs: List<Output>,
  node_outputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
) -> Bool

Prepend a new node to the beginning of the list.

The index arguments in this function are relative to the node_inputs and node_outputs. They are NOT absolute.

  key_to_append: NodeKey,
  appended_node_index: Int,
  anchor_node_output_index: Int,
  node_inputs: List<Output>,
  node_outputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
) -> Bool

Append a new node to the end of the list.

The index arguments in this function are relative to the node_inputs and node_outputs. They are NOT absolute.

  key_to_insert: NodeKey,
  inserted_node_output_index: Int,
  anchor_node_output_index: Int,
  node_inputs: List<Output>,
  node_outputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
) -> Bool

Insert a node into the list.

The index arguments in this function are relative to the node_inputs and node_outputs. They are NOT absolute.

  key_to_remove: NodeKey,
  removed_node_input_index: Int,
  anchor_node_input_index: Int,
  node_inputs: List<Output>,
  node_outputs: List<Output>,
  node_mint: Dict<AssetName, Int>,
) -> Bool

Remove a non-root node from the list.

The index arguments in this function are relative to the node_inputs and node_outputs. They are NOT absolute.

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