Mint Assets

Create a Minting Policy

First, we need to create a minting policy for the assets we want to mint. In this example, we'll use a native script time-locking policy with our wallet as the required signer:

const address = await lucid.wallet().address();
const mintingPolicy = scriptFromNative({
  type: "all",
  scripts: [
    { type: "sig", keyHash: paymentCredentialOf(address).hash },
      type: "before",
      slot: unixTimeToSlot(lucid.config().network, + 1000000),

Next we derive the policy id from the minting policy script:

const policyID = mintingPolicyToId(mintingPolicy);

Mint Assets

Now we can mint our desired tokens:

const tx = await lucid
    [policyId + fromText("MyToken")]: 1n,
    [policyId + fromText("MyOtherToken")]: 1n,
  .pay.ToAddress(address, { [policyId + fromText("MyToken")]: 1n })
  .validTo( + 900000)
const signed = await tx.sign.withWallet().complete();
const txHash = await signed.submit();

When working with script parameters (involving nested structures or custom data types):

const scriptWithParams = applyParamsToScript(
  [param1, param2, ...]
  • Minting tokens creates them, but it doesn't automatically assign them to any address. After minting, the tokens are technically "owned" by the transaction itself.
  • Purpose of pay.ToAddress() is to send the newly minted tokens to a specific address


To burn tokens, we use a similar process to minting, but with negative values for the assets we want to burn:

const tx = await lucid
    [policyId + fromText("MyToken")]: -1n,
    [policyId + fromText("MyOtherToken")]: -1n,
  .validTo( + 900000)
const signed = await tx.sign.withWallet().complete();
const txHash = await signed.submit();
  • All assets minted in a single mintAssets call should be of the same policy id. You can chain multiple mintAssets calls if you need to mint assets with different policy ids
  • The minting policy must be attached to the transaction using attach.MintingPolicy
  • Lucid Evolution supports Native, PlutusV1 / V2 / V3 minting policies. The appropriate script type will be used based on the policy you attach.
  • When using Plutus scripts (V1 / V2 / V3), make sure to provide an appropriate redeemer.
  • The validTo field is important for time-locked minting policies to ensure the transaction is submitted within the valid time range